Hey everyone, it’s just me, Justin, because we released our episode early this week! So I wanted to share the details about this San Francisco Writers Conference veterans scholarship (1 for fiction, 1 for non-fiction), share with you some interviews I did with veterans who are volunteering and giving back to their communities (articles posted on Military.com), and share the first 5 minutes of my new audiobook, Creative Writing Career 2!
Article Links:
Creatively Demonstrating Appreciation for Veterans
Appreciating Veterans and their Ongoing Efforts
Veterans Making a Difference by Reading
Details on Creative Writing Career 2:
In this sequel to Creative Writing Career: Becoming a Writer of Movies, Video Games, and Books, Stephan and Justin continue to bring you industry advice as well as interviews with screenwriters, video game writers, and authors of books and comics. These writers’ credits include such amazing titles as:
Big Fish Batman Game of Thrones The Crow Divergent John Carter Brave Yesterday’s Gone Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Sandman Slim Jurassic World (And many more!)
For the audiobook, email me at [email protected] if you want a review copy – first 5 people to email get it! If you’d rather just buy it or use your credits, you can get it here: